Friday, April 27, 2018

The Rethugs' Lovely West Virginia Problem

West Virginia Rethuglicans will have a choice in their May 8 primary of whether or not to select villainous ex-con and sociopath Don "Big Shit" Blankenship as their candidate for Senate, to go against Dem Sen. Joe Manchin. Big Shit's opposed by two other Rethuglicans, as well as Senate Majority leader and turtle-human hybrid Sen. Mitch "Missy" McConnell's political machine. We've followed Big Shit's ignominious career since 2010, when his skirting of mine safety regulations caused the Upper Big Branch Creek mine disaster, which resulted in the deaths of 29 miners. Thanks to his influence in the state, Big Shit was only sentenced to a year in prison for his role, a little under 2 weeks per miner.

Big Shit's campaign messaging is that the Washington "Republican Establishment" is against him because he'll come in and help fellow sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump "drain the swamp." He's recently targeted Missy's wife's family for a conflict of interest involving China trade. In return, McConnell-connected political funds have been paying for attack ads against Big Shit to deny him the Rethuglican ballot position, feeling that he's their least likely candidate to unseat Manchin in November (otherwise, he fits the Rethug base to a "t").

It would be poetic justice if Big Shit dumped on (sorry) the other two Rethug candidates and became the face of the party that so richly deserves him.

(photo: The face only a Trumper could love and vote for.)


  1. I have family still living in West Virginia. My grandfather, countless great-uncles, uncles, and cousins worked in the mines. My grandfather and uncle died from Black Lung. My uncle lost a finger in a coal crusher. It's a shitty job and a dangerous one. Big Shit should have spent the rest of his life underground, trapped in one of his own mines. Prison was too good for a monster like him.

    I hope he is reminded every day that he has miners' blood on his hands. But I'm sure, like Trump, he will never accept the blame or claim responsibility for his actions that contributed to their deaths. In a just world, he would die penniless, in a gutter somewhere. But instead he's off to win a position that will provide even more money and attention for him.


  2. donnah -- He literally got away with murder. He should be banished, but this sick,soulless monster is rubbing his crimes in the faces of every miner and their families.

  3. Shankenblip certainly looks the part. It's easy to imagine him tying the widow to the railway tracks or evicting a starving Depression-era family. We should be careful about hoping he gets nominated, though. Trump proved there's no such thing as a candidate too disgusting to win.

  4. Infidel -- You're right about being careful what you wish for. Like Trump, the Rethuglicans will cynically line up behind him if he turns out to be their nominee. There's no bottom to their depravity.
