Saturday, April 21, 2018

The Turtle's Now The Hare

During the last six years of the Obama Administration, there was no greater and more cynically amoral obstructionist than human-turtle hybrid and Kentucky's stain, Sen. Mitch "Missy" McConnell. Starting with his repeated efforts to kill the Affordable Care Act and other Dem legislation, to his sabotage of Obama's nomination of Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, McConnell made it his goal to destroy the Presidency of America's first African-American President. Indeed, he said his first priority was to make Obama a one-term President. Then, there was McConnell two months before the 2016 election, refusing to sign off on a bipartisan condemnation of Russian meddling in the elections.

Now, with political winds shifting against the Rethuglicans in 2018, McConnell is trying to rush through right-wing, lifetime appointments to the Federal bench, to try to ensure an army of right-wing judges far into the future in the event the Rethugs lose the Senate:
"Since becoming majority leader in 2015, the Kentucky Republican stymied Obama’s nominees for two years, including blocking a Supreme Court hopeful. And now he’s going into overdrive with Trump as president.

Trump has already nominated 69 judges, but there are 149 total vacancies. GOP leaders say McConnell is intent on filling as many as he can this year, in part out of concern that Democrats take back the Senate and exact retribution on McConnell and Trump for changing the face of the courts."
The master obstructionist has become the grease on the rails of Rethuglican court-packing. If this isn't one additional, major reason to flip the Senate, we don't know what is.

(photo: Jacquelyn Martin/AP. A face begging to be punched.)


  1. Well all this means is besides gorsuch the D's will have to impeach at least 69 judges upon resumption of a majority in both houses.
    If impeachment doesn't work just zero out all funds for salaries, benefits, offices and staff for any judge appointed after Jan 20, 2017.

    Turnabout is fair play the thuglicans cheated and stole most of these seats by their ideological obstructionism so no reason to allow them to get away with the benefits of thier criminal activities.

  2. K -- Dems need to play the same kind of hardball the Rethugs have been playing for 30 years. Ignore the centrist Beltway crowd, who always want Dems to play nice, but don't hold Rethugs to same standard.
