Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Today's Cartoon Threefer

(click on images to enlarge)

(Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press)

(Dan Wasserman, Boston Globe)

(Walt Handelsman, The Advocate, New Orleans)


donnah said...

Love the cartoons; they're perfect.

Trump's teeny balls are in a vise and his administration's backed up against the wall. The investigations continue and hopefully there will be an outcome that rescues our democracy and our government from this abysmal administration.

Trump did this. The Republicans put him here and they bear blame as well, but this shoddy, vain, greedy asshole of a human being brought this on himself. He asked for it. His terrible Cabinet members asked for it. His voters asked for it. The stupidity and absurdity of the past year is unrivaled in history.

Tear it down, all of it. Get the rat bastards out and let's start cleaning House...and Senate. Hit them while they're flailing and grab the votes come November. They sink themselves, let's hand them some anvils and anchors.

W. Hackwhacker said...

We seriously can't add to that, donnah. Well said.

Gerald Parks said...

The sitting POTUS IS the GOP/Republican Party!
This is what oozed out of the 17 presidential wannabe clown car!
It didn't matter which clown fell out ... the agenda remained!
AND is in full effect!