Thursday, April 5, 2018

Tweets Of The Day -- Ethics Aren't Us

BONUS:  That "ethics" officer at EPA who blessed Pruitt's sweetheart rental is backpedaling furiously now. ("I blessed the deal without knowing all the facts. Homina homina.") Meanwhile, John Bolton (and "Gen. Snowball" ) are 'splaining possible conflicts of interest to the White (Supremacist) House.


  1. Yeah, some people thought “draining the swamp” meant ridding Washington of corrupt characters like Scott Pruitt, but on reflection, Trump meant he was going to rid Washington of opposition, namely Democrats and regulations that the Republican money-grubbers hated. But Trump has been forced to boot some of his own rotten apples. He'll be the only rotten pumpkin left.

  2. That's a great point, donnah. The dog whistle meant "boot the libtards out" to his fans. We're just appreciating that it had nothing to do with corruption in their tiny minds.
