Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Twit, Tweets, Thwap -- Cheatin'



Thwap (click on image to enlarge):
BONUS: Here's what a skewed outlier the Republican Rasmussen poll is (click on image to enlarge):


  1. Since actual facts cannot exist in Trump's brain, all the graphs and statistics he brags about are useless. He sees what he wants to see and hears what he wants to hear, and it's fed to him by FOX news. Any truth that tries to enter that big orange melon of his just gets mangled. He couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it.

  2. donnah - exactly, which is what makes any interview with Mueller so dangerous for him and hopeful for the rest of us.

  3. And let it be so! Trump can't even speak in complete sentences, so imagine his fumbling around in an interview! Mueller would eat him alive.
