Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Meanwhile, On The Treason Front....

Trump manservant and treasonous conspirator Rep. Devin Nunes has been prodding the Justice Department for weeks to give him specifics on what Special Counsel Robert Mueller is finding in his investigation into Putin loyalist and demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump's ties with Moscow. The Justice Department has held its ground so far, declining to provide Nunes and his Rethuglican co-conspirators with the documents that they would, in turn, leak to undermine Mueller's investigation and tip off Rump's minions. What makes this story particularly galling is that Nunes would happily endanger the life of a secret intelligence source in order to further his sabotage in the service of Rump:
"The FBI and DOJ have made it clear that even a redacted version of the information Nunes is after would be dangerous, not just to the investigation, but to the source. Even the nature of the information the documents would reveal would likely make the placement and access of the source clear, and make determining the actual name of the source a simple matter.

Genuine lives are at stake. But Nunes is insisting that his right to “oversight” of the DOJ trumps the value of those lives. He knows from the way the DOJ is trying to protect this information that it is important. So, just as he did when he bypassed intelligence concerns over the contents of his infamous 'release the memo' memo, Nunes is determined to put in his dagger where it does the most harm
."  (emphasis added)
In a better world, Nunes would be investigated and tried for obstruction and conspiracy with the forces that meddled in the 2016 elections. In an even better world, Nunes' constituents would set aside their Fox-amplified tribalism and vote him out before his trial. While the odds are against that, Dem Andrew Janz is challenging him in November. You can contribute to him here.


  1. Not only are these people endangering sources who have cooperated with the US in the past, they're making it a lot less likely that persons with useful information will help us in the future -- since US promises regarding their security are evidently worth nothing.

  2. Infidel -- Exactly. Like the agreements Trump is withdrawing from (Paris, TPP, Iran), our intelligence sources (and allies) must be asking themselves why they should play ball with us.

  3. You have to wonder if anyone at the White House or the State Department will notice when their phones stop ringing. This administration is making our country irrelevant on the international stage. P.E.C.

  4. Hi P.E.C. -- The isolationism may appeal to the yahoos in Trump's "America First" base, but in an interconnected world, not to mention our need to maintain alliances, it's a disaster.
