Tuesday, May 1, 2018

QOTD - "The Worthless Washington Media" (UPDATED)

Let's be frank here: The basic job of Sanders and Conway is to lie and dissemble on behalf of a corrupt president who has taken vicious media-baiting far beyond the Spiro Agnew level. They do it nearly every time they open their mouths. That it is possible to react to these mild insults outside of this overtly and personally threatening context is final confirmation that the above journalists are not capable of perceiving the reality of the American state, much less how they are enabling it. As Alex Pareene once noted, "These people practice a form of corruption in which the corrupt individual literally cannot understand why anyone wouldn't consider him or her a stalwart and productive member of society." -- The Week's Ryan Cooper, in a blistering takedown of the Beltway corporate media and their essential worthlessness as guardians of our democracy, as evidenced once again by the reaction to Michelle Wolf's White House Correspondence Dinner remarks.  Worth a read this morning.

UPDATEAshley Feinberg is maintaining a running list of the "cowards, courtiers, strivers and suck-ups" in the corporate media.

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