Monday, May 14, 2018

Swamp King

The cover of the latest New Yorker magazine, illustration by John Cuneo (click to enlarge):

The multiple, swamp-filling scandals of the corrupt administration of thug Donald "Rump" Trump are churning away with something added seemingly every day. If it's not him or his grifter family, it's one or more of his incompetent, corrupt appointees. Sad!


  1. Just wait til Heir drumph ends up in the swamp, himself, or Hell as we know it, surrounded by his 'Swamp-O-La-Dytes',(But NO Fanbots). The SAD part, NO GOLF COURSES!! Ahhhhhh!

  2. F.M.-- He's setting a record for number of days golfing, or should we say goofing off. Meanwhile the gators and snakes get bigger in the swamp.....

  3. I would have labeled all the swamp critters: Trump is standing right on Mitch “The Turtle” McConnell.

  4. donnah - yes, and there are plenty of snakes that could be labeled, too (Ryan, Nunes, King, Gaetz, etc.)

  5. Plenty of reptilian types. And rodents!
