Heartbreaking moment as Santa Fe High School student is asked if she thought a shooting 'would not happen' at her school:— ABC News (@ABC) May 18, 2018
"It's been happening everywhere. I've always kind of felt like eventually it was going to happen here too." https://t.co/kymFDSH6D5 pic.twitter.com/0akC5liZn4
It's being said everywhere: We've failed our children. Badly. Irredeemably so.
Damn the NRA and all the spineless shitheels who allow gun manufacturers to merchandise mass death year after year after year. To change the laws, we have to change the people making the laws. This has to be a top voter priority in November.
Hearing what this young girl says is heartbreaking. A lot of us grew up with bomb drills in school, but nothing ever happened and we never fully grasped what the effects would actually be like. We didn't have to see the effects of being hit by a bomb.
ReplyDeleteBut kids going to school now have to practice active shooter drills. And they have to feel an emotional impact and stress knowing that when they go into their school, they can't be guaranteed that they'll be safe. And the teachers have to go through every day not knowing for certain that it won't happen in THEIR school, and that they may have to protect a classroom full of panicked children or confront a teenager with a semiautomatic weapon. How will their lives ever be the same?
This is on the caring, law-abiding citizens and parents, grandparents, and all family members, anyone with with kids in school: we have to vote our consciences and get the Republican gun-lovers out of office. We have to cripple the NRA and get them out of the pockets of our Congresspeople. Shootings won't stop until we make them stop. And we have to protect our kids. Period.