Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Tweets Of The Day

News ItemSenate Republicans had lunch with the leader of their party, grifter- in- chief Donald "Rump" Trump today.

(Only two questions? "On what part of your ass should we plant our lips, sir?" "Should we address you as Your Excellency, Your Brilliance, or both?")

Sniveling accomplices and cowards.


  1. Oh, puh-lease! Who expected any of his spineless sycophants to speak up against anything he's done or question His Mighty Decisions? For one thing, no one wants him insulting them and no one actually disagrees with him as long as he's facilitating their own grifting. He believes that they all adore him, and many do.

    Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas, and don't dare complain or let him see you scratching.

  2. donnah - too bad more of these weasels aren't up for re-election this year. It would be so satisfying to send them packing.
