Wednesday, June 20, 2018

"He's A Twisted Guy"

Facing a national firestorm of outrage, neo-fascist bigot and liar Donald "Rump" Trump appears ready to buckle on his "zero tolerance" child separation policy, which he repeatedly lied about and blamed "Democrat" laws for tying his tiny hands. One can be certain that whatever executive order he signs will be minimalist, time-limited and harsh, given the vindictive monster that he is.

As this story develops, it's worth remembering that he's had a truly loathsome alter ego guiding immigration policy: Stephen "Dead Eyes" Miller.  Dead Eyes was responsible for Rump's about-turn on the DACA "compromise" earlier this year, where one day he was for it, and the next day against it. Here's an excerpt from Gabe Sherman's piece in Vanity Fair describing the self-inflicted catastrophe that zealot Dead Eyes has created:
"Meanwhile, as the border crisis spirals, the absence of a coordinated policy process has allowed the most extreme administration voices to fill the vacuum. White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller has all but become the face of the issue, a development that even supporters of Trump’s “zero-tolerance” position say is damaging the White House. 'Stephen actually enjoys seeing those pictures at the border,' an outside White House adviser said. 'He’s a twisted guy, the way he was raised and picked on. There’s always been a way he’s gone about this. He’s Waffen-SS.'” (our emphasis)
It's no surprise that Rump would have a xenophobic, sadistic white nationalist as his advisor on immigration policy, since it reflects his own sick personal beliefs. Despite what appears to be a temporary band-aid on child separation, Dead Eyes isn't going anywhere, and you can be certain that he'll do what he can to fashion the most cruel, inhumane, and "twisted" immigration policy possible going forward.

(photo via The Wrap)


  1. This MF'er has body parts in his freezer that he keeps for Sunday dinners. I hope he never reproduces. The blood line should die with him.
    He is one sick bastard. May he meet an untimely and agonizing end.

  2. Anon. -- Just the misery he's caused in the last 18 months ranks him among the worst human rights violators ever.

  3. But Trump surrounds himself with only the best people!

    gag. There wasn't a decent human being in his entire administration. Trump has no friends, only blood-sucking sycophants around him. They should all be gone.
