Thursday, June 28, 2018

No "Doormat Caucus" This Time!

Rachel Maddow last night on the imperative that Democrats not be the Doormat Caucus in the fight over the next Supreme Court justice:
Now, no matter the specific policy positions or the liberalness or the conservatism or the complicated home state politics of any particular Democratic senator, no Democratic senator has a reason to volunteer to be a doormat on the issue of the Supreme Court, right? Democrats as a unified block, every single one of them, they have no reason to go along with any meetings and hearings, any votes on the Supreme Court nominee before the election, right?... 
Every Democratic senator in the country is about to hear from every single one of their Democratic constituents every day from now until the election until it’s clear that the Democrats will all be unified on that no Doormat Caucus point.
TPM has a list of Democratic Senators who have either said there shouldn't be a vote before the elections, or who have not committed to that. You can let those who are equivocating (i.e., potential Doormats) that you expect them to stand up and fight the way Republicans fought to keep Merrick Garland off the court for a year, and will vote accordingly in the future.  If you live in Maine or Alaska, you can always give Susan Collins or Lisa Murkowski a call since they purport to be pro- choice Republicans (good luck).

Here's the directory for the Senate.  For those who have already made the call or written the letter, thanks. For the rest, get cracking.


  1. I watch MSNBC a few times a week, and Rachel is my favorite. I saw her last night and was calmed a bit by what she said, but still deeply concerned about what is likely to happen as a result of Kennedy's retirement. Maddow is smart and analytical and she says if Democrats band together and fight, we can take control of the Senate. And then fight for the Supreme Court. But will we? Will McConnell “allow” us to hold him to his rule about Supreme Court nominations during an election year? We couldn't stop him with Gorsuch and I don't know how we stop him now.

    I'm still feeling shaky. It's going to be a long summer.

  2. donnah - it's small comfort (again) but should the Repubs succeed in installing another reactionary who wants to repeal Roe, it will energize Dems for years to vote them out of every office they hold. No Dem wants to see anyone suffer the effects of rolling back protections that have been in place for 40 or more years, but that may be the country we're in right now. We need to stand up for principles we purportedly have as a party and fight like hell.

  3. Both of my senators have received my email. P.E.C.
    ps - John said hello to Sen. Warner at the airport the other day. I hope his remarks at the party here recently (whether ill considered or not) are accurate. The wait is killing us, especially in light of the upcoming “summit.” What a joke!

  4. P.E.C. -- We hope that Dems/progressives in purple states with Repub senators will put unholy heat under their senators over this theft. Wish Obama had gone nuclear over the Merrick Garland fiasco and punished McConnell, et al.
