Wednesday, June 13, 2018

QOTD: "Moral Idiot"

This is a man who is a pathological liar, who is not only engaged on an assault on truth, he’s trying to annihilate truth, and the Republican Party is his sword and his shield. They are complicit in the lies and they’re complicit in the deep immorality — I don’t mean immorality just in terms of its sexual ethics, I’m talking a man who is basically at his heart a kind of Nietzschean, a person who believes that might makes right. The Republican Party which was born in the era of the civil war and Lincoln, who is the greatest moral leader that America’s ever produced, has now aligned with this person who is a moral idiot.”  (our emphasis) -- Former Dumbya wordsmith Peter Wehner, appearing on MSNBC this morning, speaking about demagogue and con man Donald "Rump" Trump.

We have to break it to Mr. Wehner. Rump's had many, many antecedents in the Rethuglican / New Confederate / Shooters Party: from liar and manipulator Richard Nixon and his Southern Strategy co-hort, to vicious operatives like Lee Atwater and Roger Stone, to defender of Western Civilization Newt "Poot" Gingrich, to might-makes-right sociopath Dick "The Dick" Cheney, to snowbilly grifter Sarah Palin, and so many more. This descent shouldn't have taken anyone by surprise.

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