Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Richmond VA School Renamed For Obama

The names of Confederate traitors are slowly -- very slowly -- being removed from roads, parks, and other public places. Their monuments to treason are finally starting to come down, having served as blatant instruments of intimidation of African-Americans and as a reminder of slavery and Jim Crow.

It was wonderful to see that the Richmond, VA, school board voted to strip the name of slave-owning Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart from an elementary school there, and replace it with former President Barack Obama's name. Further north, in Fairfax, Co., VA, the school board removed the name of J.E.B. Stuart High School and renamed it Justice High School last year, effective this fall.

There's much more to do in wiping the stain of Confederate monuments and signage from our public places. White nationalists / neo-Nazis and their ilk have their champion in the person of the sick sociopath that occupies the Oval Office. But the trend is against them, and will remain so.

(photo: WRIC Richmond)


  1. How long will Immoral, Traitor in Chief's fanbots & deplorables run scrambling for a school to be "renamed"? Ya know, he doesn't like being "slided" by President Obama.

  2. F. M. -- Good point, some wingnuts will be on it shortly. Anything to detract from President Obama and build up their pathetic "leader."
