Thursday, June 7, 2018

The Deep Misogyny Of Trumpworld

Item: Unhinged attention-seeker and Trump towel boy Rudy "Ghouliani" Giuliani continues to descend with his inflammatory spewings. Yesterday, in addition to describing North Korea's Kim Jong Un as getting "on his hands and knees" and begging for the summit with Putin asset Donald "Rump" Trump, he had this to say about Rump accuser Stormy Daniels:
"So Stormy, you want to bring a case, let me cross examine you. Because the business you're in entitles you to no degree of giving your credibility any weight. And secondly, explain to me how she could be damaged. I mean, she has no reputation. If you're going to sell your body for money, you just don't have a reputation..."  
Ghouliani failed to explain why, then, did his client Rump pay Ms. Daniels $130,000 under a non-disclosure agreement to remain silent about their 2006 affair if it's all a lie. Speaking of having no reputation, Ghouliani sold his cheap a long time ago. And Stormy Daniels has more integrity and courage in her little finger than he's ever had.

Item: Amid the corrupt chaos at the Environmental Protection Agency brought on by swamp man Scott "Screw It" Pruitt, there was the resignation of a top aide Millan Hupp, who was at the center of his multiple scandals, and was reportedly tired of being blamed for Screw It's corruption. When The Atlantic's Elaina Plott sought comment from the EPA, press spokes-dick Jahan Wilcox told her, "You have a great day, you're a piece of trash." Apparently, Wilcox has a history of dickery:

Only the best!

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