Wednesday, June 20, 2018

This Is Who They Are

Ugly.  Cruel.  Inhuman.

This is the same psychopathic shitstain who assaulted a female reporter during the campaign and was accused by a Trump supporter of sexual assault in 2017.  If any of this surprises you ...


  1. We can't get these shitbags off the air. Fox will never do it, but the msm should not give airtime to any of these pig people.

  2. Agree. Their 15 minutes were up a long time ago, Diva.

  3. I'll say it again...the wrong people are being sent to prison camps. I'd double my tax dollars to see Corey, Steve Miller, Steve Bannon and the rest of these malignant monsters all frogmarched to Tent City. F*ck every last one of them.
