(click on images to enlarge)

(Jack Ohman, Sacramento Bee)

(Steve Sack, Minneapolis Star Tribune)

(Jeff Darcy, Cleveland Plain Dealer)

(Kevin Siers, The Charlotte Observer)
(Meanwhile, over at the freedom- loving, Trumper- owned and edited Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the censorship of Rob Rogers' editorial cartoons continues; Rogers is now taking some vacation time.)
This walking dumpster fire of a president finds new ways in every situation to humiliate himself and our country. He's taken a verbal sledgehammer to our reputation as a nation who strives to make fair deals, who sticks to our promises, and who evaluates carefully with whom we engage. He has trampled our self respect and our honor in some bizarre personal quest for a monarchy and monetary gain.
ReplyDeleteEvery damned day.
donnah - as one European diplomat put it, "How did America fall so far so fast?" Once the shitgibbon is gone (which he will be, but not soon enough), we'll have an enormous hole to climb out of both here and abroad.
ReplyDeleteSo much truth! Some of our connections to neighboring countries as well as the ones in Europe were solid and built over generations, wars, trade deals, and thousands of hours of negotiations between leaders. Trump, in a painfully horrible short time, has undone so many major accomplishments and friendships.
ReplyDeleteWhether we can emerge with dignity and hope remains to be seen.