Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Tweets Of The Day -- "Summit" Edition, Pt. II

Capturing yesterday's grip- and- grin between North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un and would- be American dictator Donald "Rump" Trump in tweets:

It was "forgettable":

The truth passes his lips for the first and last time:

*Shooting from the lip (or "Keeping those allies in the loop"):

This is already coming back to haunt us:

And, in conclusion:

For gluttons for punishment, CNN has the text of the letter signed by Kim and his mark here.

* Rump also didn't bother to tell the Pentagon about his offer to stop the South Korean- U.S. joint military exercises.  He also didn't bother to tell Congressional Republicans or... Vice President Mike "Dense" Pence.  Oopsie.