Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Ding-Dong, FBI Calling

The far-right is gearing up for a massive smear and conspiracy-mongering campaign against Special Counsel Robert Mueller, ranging from Trump reichsmarschall Sean "Heil" Hannity to the furtherest reaches of the wingnut fever swamps. Some of the effort is just the banal lying that we've come to expect from the likes of consigliere Rudy "Ghouliani" Giuliani and others around conspirator Donald "Rump" Trump. Some, however, is so deranged and dangerous that it may be criminal. Cue porcine Sandy Hook "truther" lunatic and frothing gas bag Alex "Civil War!" Jones.

After predicting a second civil war to begin this past July 4 and getting roundly mocked for it,  Jones is turning to violent, physical threats against Mueller. Here's part of the deranged rant:
"People say, 'Well, God, aren't you scared of [Mueller]?' I'm scared of not manning up. I'm constantly in fear that I'm not being a real man, and I'm not doing what it takes, and I'm not telling the truth. And so, call it whatever you want, I look at that guy, and he's a sack of crap. That's a demon I will take down, or I'll die trying. So that's it. It's going to happen, we're going to walk out in the square, politically, at high noon, and he's going to find out whether he makes a move man, make the move first, and then it's going to happen. It's not a joke. It's not a game. It's the real world. Politically. You're going to get it, or I'm going to die trying, bitch. Get ready. We're going to bang heads. We're going to bang heads." (our emphasis)
A couple of points: "I'm constantly in fear of not being a real man..." displays his fears about his own masculinity, something that he tries to compensate with his loudmouth, phony tough style (remind you of someone else?). Then, there's the suggestion that he's going to "get" Mueller ("politically", he keeps hedging), but the threat is real, and his listeners understand his real meaning with a wink and nod. Perhaps he thinks the "politically" dodge will spare him a visit from his local FBI office, but the overwhelming drift of his rant is violent action against the Special Counsel, who by the way is a decorated Marine Corps combat veteran. Jones never served his country for a hot second.

Maybe Jones' weasel wording will save him from a visit from law enforcement; we hope not. But there are unhinged people in his audience that don't do subtle, and who are armed and angry, waiting for his orders.

BONUS:  Remember, Jones isn't alone by any means in his unhinged, violent posturing. It's time for law enforcement to stop temporizing with these violent crackpots and haul them in.


  1. Right wing stooges who go on the air to promote discord and violence are dangerous terrorists. They are partly to blame for the hostility and anger on the Right. Have you ever listened to FOX news? They talk loud and fast, at a fevered pitch, with hyperbole and lies. FOX listeners turn it on first thing in the morning and listen to that incendiary language all day long. They are hyper and angry and these on-air monsters keep them whipped up.

    Alex Jones is a vile pig. His comments about Sandy Hook being faked should guarantee him a space in Hell. And I would like to see him with a space in prison, too, because he's a terrorist.

  2. donnah -- He is about as despicable and degenerate as they come. Waiting for him to have a massive coronary in the middle of one of his rages.
