Sunday, July 1, 2018

Happy Canada Day!

Today marks the 151st anniversary of the union of the provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Canada, known as "Canada Day," the national day of Canada. Our brave and good neighbors to the north have been steadfast friends through war and peace, neighbors that any country on earth would be fortunate to have. Sadly, the current demagogic regime in Washington fails to recognize that, but we have confidence that Canadians know, as we do, that times will change and this dark period in our history together will pass.

We honor our brothers and sisters to the north by presenting their national anthem.


  1. I have travelled to Canada several times in the past few years and have always felt welcome. Trump has treated them badly and my friends there are puzzled by his actions. I always beg them to forgive us for the wrongs committed by the Republicans and they always tell me that they'll find me a place to live when I'm ready to escape this Trump disaster.

    But leaving won't solve anything, of course. I have to stay here and fight for my country. I just don't want to alienate the friends we have to the north or the south.

  2. donnah -- Our experience with Canada has always been very positive and welcoming. Whether in French-speaking or English-speaking parts, they looked upon us as friends from the south. There are wounds now that the odious Trump has inflicted, but they'll heal when we make amends.
