Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Now, Who'd Think Trump Would Go Easy On Putin?

I have NATO, I have the UK, which is somewhat in turmoil, and I have Putin. Frankly, Putin may be the easiest of them all who would think?” -- Russian asset and corrupt demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump, speaking this morning before leaving for the NATO summit in Brussels and beyond.
Everyone, except for your rabid and brainwashed base. That he flaunts his treasonous leanings toward Moscow so openly and proudly, in contrast to our closest allies, is mind-boggling, but entirely in character. Almost every day, Rump demonstrates that the Russian autocrat has some major kompromat on him that keeps him on a leash, while he's antagonistic toward our friends. Is it Russian laundered money or shady loans propping up the Trump Organization? Is it sexual blackmail? We trust that the Mueller investigation, and its extended branches will get to the core of Rump's obvious fealty to the Kremlin.