Sunday, July 22, 2018

QOTD: Back-Alley Brawl

"Democrats must realize that they’re in a back-alley brawl, not a pillow fight. That they don’t get this yet can be inferred from the new slogan House Democrats unveiled last week: 'For The People.' While that’s an improvement over last year’s, 'A Better Deal,' with its musty scent of leftover Roosevelt, it still doesn’t suggest a party ready to rumble." -- Leonard Pitts, writing in the Miami Herald. Read his whole column, in which he argues that Dems can't continue to follow political "norms" that the Rethugs and demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump have shattered. Dems have won the popular vote in six of the last seven Presidential elections, yet the Rethugs control Congress, the White (Supremacist) House, the Supreme Court, and most state legislatures and Governorships. Break out the brass knuckles, Dems.


  1. Pitts is one of the best columnists around and he is spot on. When they come at you, you come back faster and harder. And enough already with the weak slogans.

  2. diva -- He's one of our go-to's also. Great column by him today.
