Monday, July 9, 2018

QOTD: A Smackdown Of "Pro-Life" Radicals

“I know some people call themselves pro-life, but pro-life is a propaganda term that isn’t real. Like healthy ice cream and handsome testicles. Get the terminology straight. First of all, these people are anti-abortion, which means they're anti-woman. If these people were actually pro-life they’d be fighting hard for healthcare, childcare, education, gun control and the environment. But these people do not care about life, they only care about birth.” (emphasis added) --  Michelle Wolf, on her Sunday Netflix show, "The Break." The full clip is here.

The corrupt evangelical right wing is all about control over a woman's reproductive choices, preferring that men make the choices and maintain their patriarchal control position in society. If they had a scintilla of concern about real human life, they'd be in the forefront of the fight for healthcare, gun control, etc. They're not, and they never will be.


  1. I call them forced-birth fetishists. "Pro-life" is an Orwellian abuse of language. The movement to ban or stigmatize abortion is all about controlling and punishing women's sexuality, and always has been.

  2. infidel -- Exactly. Everything they do is in furtherance of the "back to the 19th century" agenda for women (and collaterally men).

  3. If they were "pro-life", they'd be appalled at our military budget and its misadventures. They want women to obey a small reactionary elite of men, because men are overwhelmingly pro-choice.

  4. A new billboard just went up in our neighborhood. Sweet pink background, a darling white, blonde-haired, blue eyed baby girl on one side, and the plea, “Save the babies!”

    What it didn't say was, “Save the WHITE babies”. You know, the babies of young white teens who have gotten pregnant accidentally. Not the minority babies, not babies of drug abusers or other unfortunate circumstances. Not babies that will grow up to need medical care, special education, or welfare. These crusaders are not advocates for unborn, they're extremists who want to control women and keep them in a patriarchy.

    It is a battle that we've fought for centuries. We thought it was settled in 1973, hoped it would remain a protection for half the population. But it's going to come under attack again. One more thing for us to stand up for.

    And we will.

  5. donnah -- Yes, their "concern" seems to be racist at its core. That billboard makes it clear which babies they want to save. The minority teen who becomes pregnant? It's the back alley for her.
