Monday, July 2, 2018

Trump Throws Another Bomb At Trade

Never missing an opportunity to undermine the U.S.'s world trade position, while pleasing his leaders in the Kremlin, neo-fascist malignant nincompoop Donald "Rump" Trump and his neolithic economic advisors are apparently looking for a way to leave the World Trade Organization (WTO). From a report from Axios:
"The bill, titled the "United States Fair and Reciprocal Tariff Act," would give Trump unilateral power to ignore the two most basic principles of the WTO and negotiate one-on-one with any country:

1) The "Most Favored Nation" (MFN) principle that countries can't set different tariff rates for different countries outside of free trade agreements;
"2) Bound tariff rates" — the tariff ceilings that each WTO country has already agreed to in previous negotiations."
Some have already taken to abbreviating the bill as the "U.S. FART Act." According to the report, the bill would take away Congress' consent on tariffs and give Rump carte blanche, and void international rules on tariffs and remove us from internationally agreed-to rules on trade. Axios quotes a source familiar with the bill, calling it "insane" and saying Congress wouldn't give Rump such broad authority (ed. -- don't be so sure). Rump's own legislative affairs director is reported to have said such a bill would be "dead on arrival" in Congress.

While this is probably only a way for Rump to show his economic isolationist base that he's serious about his "America First" nonsense before the mid-terms, it's still dangerous and disruptive to even float such a piece of dangerous twaddle with our allies and adversaries alike watching and wondering what the Very Stable Genius will do next.



donnah said...

Congress won't give him what he wants? Since when?

I'm laughing about the FART designation, but on a serious note, Trump's goal of total isolation and starting more trade wars will be nothing to laugh about. Congress hasn't done anything to stop him yet, so let's not be too glib.

More and more, Trump's policies prove that he believes he's the CEO of America, intent only on settling scores and making money. He has no respect for history, honesty, or human decency. It's all dollars to him.

This has to end. November can't get here soon enough.

Hackwhackers said...

donnah -- He's acting like the emperor he imagines himself to be, and can't comprehend why people, laws and customs are getting in his way. Until Congress is flipped, he'll be given what he wants by the Rethug-controlled, supine Congress, unless he absolutely tanks the Main Street economy through these policies.