Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Flop Sweat

Multiple reports indicate that the mood in the White (Supremacist) House, dark as it is because of the unfolding Mueller investigation, has become more paranoid and fearful over the drip, drip, drip of tapes that former Trump enabler and reality TV villainess Omarosa Manigault Newman has been releasing to support her "Unhinged" book tour. From Politico:
"Omarosa Manigault Newman’s slow release of secretly taped conversations from inside the Trump campaign and White House is having the same effect on staffers as the daily dumps from WikiLeaks had on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, when chairman John Podesta’s emails were trickled out during the final stretch of the race.

'People are terrified,' one former Trump aide said of the tapes. 'Absolutely terrified.'” (our emphasis)
Pundit Matt Welch noted on MSNBC this morning that:
"'This has been a gang of B-level, C-level non-stars who are part of this,' he pointed out. 'Actually they are stars, of reality television in some cases. But people who are not ready for the prime time of politics,' he said.

Welch observed that some of the tapes might not exist and warned that liberals shouldn’t place all their hope on 'the one tape' that will make Trump disappear. Yet the possibility of more tapes is clearly making White House staffers panic.

'You can see the flop sweat on the president and the people around him'
when the tapes are discussed, Welch noted."
(our emphasis)
Narcissistic buffoon and treasonous Putin bootlicker Donald "Rump" Trump knew he was getting a soulmate of his own creation when he hired Omarosa, whom he now derides as a "dog." The people that signed up to join the cancer that is the Rump administration are a collection of losers, sociopaths, and petty thieves, and don't deserve our sympathy for their choices.


  1. just deserts or divine retribution? i can't decide, but i bet he really does not enjoy being prezident except for the rallies

  2. @Now Am Found! He loves having control over his "enemies" too.

    These tapes are entertainment. I don't think she has anything that will bring him down. I wish people would stop saying this BS.

    The only real hope I see is the Mueller investigation. I really want to see him go out on charges of treason. Get his whole GD administration out on their backsides or straight to jail.
