Sunday, August 12, 2018

Thousands March Against White Racists in DC

In one of the biggest public flops ever, only two dozen white supremacist losers showed up at a racist "rally" in Lafayette Park in Washington, DC this afternoon, contrasted with thousands of counter-protesters clogging the streets around the park. A significant force of D.C. Metropolitan Police and U.S. Park Police, some on horseback, kept a large buffer zone between the two groups. Racist leader Jason "KKK" Kessler, who organized last year's deadly Charlottesville "Unite The Right" riot, spoke into a bull horn to the handful of his supporters, most of whom had their faces covered with scarves or helmets and were clearly intimidated by the lopsided numbers. The "rally" in Lafayette Park actually ended before it's scheduled start time; NBC's Garrett Hake took this photo of the entire, pathetic white supremacist contingent behind police lines:

As the rain started to fall toward the end of the "rally," several counter-protesters tried to block the exit for the bigots, but were pushed back by police, some of whom were pelted with small objects.

BONUS: Comet Ping Pong -- the victim of the infamous far-right Pizzagate conspiracy hoax -- posted a sign on its window in Northwest DC today (click to enlarge).


Infidel753 said...

They were probably inhibited from showing their faces, or showing up at all, by all the stories of Nazis getting fired from their (embarrassingly menial) jobs after being identified at Charlottesville. Back then they thought the rise of Trump meant their time had come again, but after Charlottesville most of them realize that they're still hated by pretty much everybody.

Hackwhackers said...

infidel -- You're right. With social media, many of these cretins feared exposure and thus the bandanas, etc. It was a little surprising how few actually showed up, even considering the cowardice of their "movement."