Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Trump's Consciousness Of Guilt On Full Display

In a tweet this morning, twitwit and Russian asset Donald "Rump" Trump, displaying significant panic and "consciousness of guilt," called on Confederate States Attorney General and theocratic elf Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III to reverse his recusal from the Russiagate investigation, ostensibly to cut it off before it indicts members of his family and him specifically. Rump has been furious at Beauregard for recusing himself last year, and placing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in the role of overseeing the work of the FBI and Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Beauregard was found to have had multiple contacts with Russian officials during the course of the 2016 campaign as a Rump surrogate, and had lied to Congress about those contacts.

In a related matter, there is increasing speculation about indictments being issued from Mueller that may involve Rump's inner circle and family members. The sense of desperation not only in Rump's tweet this morning, but in the unhinged statements from his bumbling TV lawyer and disgraced mayor Rudy "Ghouliani" Giuliani in recent days, may signal that Rump's team fears the hammer coming down on them soon. Former Army Judge Advocate General Glenn Kirschner, in a discussion with CNN's Don Lemon last night, speculated that Rump, his greasy son Don Jr. and son-in-law Jared "Mr. Ivanka Trump" Kushner have not received subpoenas because targets of investigations can't be required to testify against themselves:
"According to Kirschner, the Department of Justice has a policy that they don’t subpoena targets of an investigation. He explained it was because 'a grand jury subpoena is a court order directing the person to come in, appear and testify truthfully before the grand jury. A target, by definition, however, has a Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, 'because we’re looking to indict them,' he said. Therefore, they don’t subpoena a target.

'I think the more time passes, the more likely it is that the people that Bob Mueller has not subpoenaed have ripened into targets of the investigation that would go for the president for Jared Kushner and Roger Stone and on Don Jr.'"
(our emphasis)
You can be certain that Rump's real lawyers have advised him that this is coming, thus the "witch hunt" smears against Mueller, the incoherent rantings of Ghouliani, and the call for Beauregard to get back in the game and end the Russia probe. Rump is frantic, and it shows. Tick tock tick tock..... 

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