Sunday, August 12, 2018

Trump's Fearful Tweets About Russiagate

Is something afoot with the Mueller investigation? Oftentimes, like animals who can sense an earthquake long before humans can, a flurry of tweets from sociopath and Kremlin asset Donald "Rump" Trump indicate another indictment or guilty plea is about to land. Yesterday and this morning, Rump attacked the investigation into his conspiracy with the Russian Federation. Saturday's tweetstorm was aimed at his hapless subordinate, Confederate States Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, whom Rump called "scared stiff and Missing in Action" for not obstructing  / interfering on his behalf in the investigation. This morning, Comrade Rump was quoting the raving Fux lunatic Jeanine "Pirro-maniac" Pirro blasting Mueller's investigation as "phony" with Rump's obligatory "No Collusion" whine finishing it off.

Rump is focused on the Manafort trial, with its evidence of bank fraud, conspiracy with foreign governments, and witness tampering involving his campaign manager and Rick Gates, who served in both the campaign and the transition. The investigation also seems to be targeting his ally and confidante, the sleazy dirty trickster and degenerate Roger Stone, who had contacts with Russian military intelligence and Russian cut-out organization WikiLeaks during the campaign and who "predicted" the leak of John Podesta's stolen e-mails. There's also the report from Rethug Sen. Lindsey "Huckleberry" Graham that Rump talked constantly about the Mueller investigation while golfing with him last week.

We've said so many times that everything that Rump says about the investigation is evidence of his "consciousness of guilt" and not the actions of an innocent man. August may be a pivotal month in the Russiagate investigation, and perhaps Rump's anxiety foretells an earthquake.

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