Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Trump's Hometown Papers Unload On His Crime Family

Front pages of New York City newspapers  (including Rupert Murdoch's Post) --

Added snark reserved for the New York Times, FTW:


  1. Laissez les bons temps rouler!

    As they say in Cajun country, let's keep the good news coming! They got Manafort, Cohen, the Duncans, and took Steele off the hook for slander. Oh, my! C'est bon!

    For once, I welcome extended coverage of the White House. And grudgingly admit that Trump is fulfilling a campaign promise, in a manner of speaking, as he drains the Swamp. Of course, it was a swamp of his own making, but whatever!

  2. donnah - you might wish that all that good news could be spread across a few days/ weeks, but hell, we'll take it whenever!

  3. I know, and today might have felt like a letdown, but I think I can live with that.

    More, please!
