Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Unhinged All Right

Stephen Colbert's take on the Omarosa/ Rump fiasco du jour is priceless.

The most recent development in this asinine -- but wholly predictable -- shitshow cum book tour involves the long- sought tape from "The Apprentice" in which Rump uses the "n word."  Not only does Omarosa say she heard the tape (after her book was put to bed), but that the tape was discussed with other then- campaign aides to Rump -- and she has the receipts (and shared them with CBS):

True to form, the Very Stable Genius who only hires the best people (as Colbert points out in Omarosa's case, 4 times) accessed his bag of big boy presidential -- and not at all dehumanizing, sexist or racist --words:
They deserve each other, but we don't deserve them (at least most of us don't).

BONUS:  President Obama's White House photographer has it right --


  1. After I check Hackwhackers, my go-to is Instagram so I can see which picture Souza posted today. How awesome is he, Hackie? Really. He rocks.

  2. He's amazing, like most things we once had and need to get back, Diva!

  3. My Souza book of Obama's photos is very dear to me. I keep it on my coffee table for reassurance and remembrance of our beloved President Oabama. I also pre-ordered Souza's new book “Shade” which should be an awesome study in contrasts between Obama and the Vainglorious Basstard.

  4. donnah - good heads up on the Souza book. It should be a bittersweet experience.
