Friday, September 7, 2018

A Face In The Crowd

At the Nuremberg Trumpist rally last night in Billings, Montana, as demagogue and unhinged con man Donald "Rump" Trump ranted about the anonymous author of the New York Times op-ed piece, and many other grievances, an audience member positioned right behind him in a plaid shirt was making faces as Rump ranted:

He was spotted among the MAGAots by Rump's ministry of propaganda and replaced by a Trumpist. We don't know if Rump is having him waterboarded for exercising his First Amendment rights.

Finally, in a style befitting an un-indicted co-conspirator, Rump let the crowd know that it would be their fault if he's impeached.


  1. For all his “fake this” and “fake that”, Trump is absolutely the least authentic person ever. Substituting prettier and more enthusiastic crowd members is such weak sauce! It's not that I can't believe it, but it's one more disgusting example of what a loser Trump is.

  2. donnah- His "team" likes to put a fake diverse group behind him to make him appear inclusive. They should put some people waving Russian flags back there, too.
