Ed Whelan, a Brett Kavanaugh buddy, right- wing bullshitter and proprietor of the ironically named "Ethics and Public Policy Center," expounded an irresponsible, crackpot theory on Twitter yesterday (which was already being peddled by the usual Republican suspects) that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's sexual assault was a case of "mistaken identity:"
... Meanwhile, Kavanaugh backers have already come up with a theory that exonerates him, without calling Ford a liar. Earlier this week, Senator Orrin Hatch said Kavanaugh told him “he didn’t do that, and he wasn’t at the party,” so clearly Ford must be “mistaken.” The same possibility of mistaken identity was floated by The Wall Street Journal editorial board, and by the Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker, who mused, “Could there be a Kavanaugh doppelganger?”
Ed Whelan, a former law clerk to Justice Antonin Scalia and the president of a think tank called the Ethics and Public Policy Center, took this theory to a new, wildly irresponsible place on Thursday night, actually identifying a classmate of Kavanaugh’s at Georgetown Prep, and suggesting that he, not the future judge, might have attempted to rape Ford. (our emphasis)Dr. Blasey Ford had a quick response:
“I knew them both, and socialized with” them. She said she’d visited the other classmate in the hospital, so “there is zero chance that I would confuse them.” (our emphasis)Having his demeaning, ludicrous theory quickly demolished -- including the (hopefully actionable) naming of the supposed Kavanaugh doppelgänger and his risible "evidence" -- Whelan is now apologizing ... to the classmate he wrongfully accused, but not to Blasey Ford:
I made an appalling and inexcusable mistake of judgment in posting the tweet thread in a way that identified Kavanaugh's Georgetown Prep classmate. I take full responsibility for that mistake, and I deeply apologize for it. I realize that does not undo the mistake.— Ed Whelan (@EdWhelanEPPC) September 21, 2018
In a delicious twist, the classmate Whelan slimed had recently signed a letter testifying to Kavanaugh's impeccable morals. Bwahahahaha.
It would also appear that Kavanaugh may have had some role in coming up with the bogus theory that his close buddy Whelan tried to float. What sterling character!
UPDATE: And now we hear a new line of attack from the Assaulter- in- Chief himself:
I have no doubt that, if the attack on Dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed with local Law Enforcement Authorities by either her or her loving parents. I ask that she bring those filings forward so that we can learn date, time, and place!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 21, 2018
Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a fine man, with an impeccable reputation, who is under assault by radical left wing politicians who don’t want to know the answers, they just want to destroy and delay. Facts don’t matter. I go through this with them every single day in D.C.— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 21, 2018
Keep digging, you irredeemable assholes.
UPDATE II: #whyididntreport is trending on Twitter with accounts of why women didn't report sexual assaults.
UPDATE II: #whyididntreport is trending on Twitter with accounts of why women didn't report sexual assaults.
Why doesn't anyone ask boys why they don't report sexual abuse.