Thursday, September 6, 2018

"Confidential" Documents Released on Kavanaugh

The release of a 2003 e-mail from Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh indicates his view that Roe v. Wade may not be "settled law," contrary to what he's told Senators in meetings and in testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The e-mail was central to the dispute over thousands of documents being withheld by Committee chairman and dessicated corn stalk Sen. Chuck Grassley in order to conceal Kavanaugh's views and record.

Meanwhile, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) set of fireworks this morning by releasing a "committee confidential" document regarding Kavanaugh's views on racial profiling, and was threatened with expulsion from the Senate for violating Committee confidentiality. Other Dem Senators, including Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) and Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), vowed to stand with Booker and release documents being withheld by the Rethuglican-controlled committee.

Good on Committee Dems for taking personal risks in this fight and exposing the usual Rethuglican connivance, corruption and hypocrisy.


Anonymous said...

I'm relieved some Dems are kicking ass. Good for them.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to ask if any of the Dems questioned him about his credit card debt that mysteriously was paid off or erased.

Hackwhackers said...

Anon -- Not heard about the credit card debt, but that definitely has a odor of corruption about it.....

donnah said...

I thought Kavanaugh was taking a beating today, but according to the CBS Evening News, he was poised, composed and gave a tutorial on how to be a judge.

sigh. I didn't want to see Supreme Court Judge Kavanaugh, especially after all the terrible stuff they've uncovered about his past decisions.