Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Delusional And Incapable Of Telling The Truth

As hurricane Florence approaches the shores of the Carolinas with Category 4 power, pathological liar and sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump was asked if any lessons had been learned from the response to hurricane Maria which devastated Puerto Rico:
Puerto Rico was incredibly successful. I think probably the hardest one we had by far was Puerto Rico because of the island nature, and I actually think it was one of the best jobs that’s ever been done with respect to what this is all about.”
Nearly 3,000 people died from hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, which went for many months without sufficient Federal aid. The shaky power grid there was put out of commission, and should have been the top priority of the Feds, but they failed to execute the recovery effort. Infrastructure was devastated, with road and bridges out of commission for months. FEMA and the Corps of Engineers should have airlifted more equipment and supplies to the island to aid recovery efforts. Rump made a brief visit there, where he patted himself on the back and tossed paper towels to residents as he was leaving the island. For him, that was the "incredibly successful" part of the whole disaster.



  1. Trump, delusional once again, telling baldfaced lies and ignoring all of the truth about what happened...quel surprise!

    I'm sure a lot of us want to tell him where he can shove those paper towels.
