Monday, September 17, 2018

Monday Reading

As always, please go to the links for the full articles/ op eds.

Yesterday, we noted the determination of simpleton Donald "Rump" Trump to escalate his trade war with China.  It seems the public mood in China is to fight back hard:
A dock worker from the eastern port city of Ningbo said he wants China to stand unflinchingly against President Trump’s demands.  
A salesman in Beijing hopes his country will keep punching back in the commercial ring — even if it hurts his wallet. 
And a coffee shop owner in the Chinese capital said Trump’s tariffs have inspired her to retaliate at the store: She’s swapping U.S. products for Chinese brands. 
As the trade war between the world’s two largest economies unfolds on the international stage, analysts say Trump’s brash approach to try to win concessions from Beijing has provoked a public fury that could ultimately thwart his efforts(our emphasis)
The damage the malignant fool causes in every sphere he touches will last long after he's gone.

Keep digging, you irredeemable, hypocritical bastards:
President Donald Trump’s team plans to attack the credibility of professor Christine Blasey Ford, who came forward with her account of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s alleged sexual assault on Sunday, by emphasizing that the accusation has surfaced at the end of the confirmation process and that Ford didn’t tell anyone about the alleged attack at the time, according to a Sunday Bloomberg report. [snip]
Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley has already laid the foundation for the White House’s plan, saying through his spokeswoman in a statement that is is “disturbing that these uncorroborated allegations” have come to light just before the planned committee vote on Thursday. 
The allegation is corroborated, both with detailed notes from Ford’s therapy session years ago and with a passed polygraph test administered by the FBI.
It's the go- to Republican playbook: smear attacks on the victim to "win" at any cost.  Let's make sure the cost is the House and Senate this year.

Speaking of irredeemable bastards:

The greasy f*ckwad didn't fall far from the tree.

The WaPo has a visual story on the absolute devastation in the Carolinas from Hurricane Florence, with still pictures, video and text.  Please take a few minutes to click through, and remember, whether it's the Carolinas or Puerto Rico, we have to be all our brother's keepers.

Protests involving national anthems isn't just an American phenomenon.  In this case, it's someone you might not expect in a place you might not expect (found via Infidel 753):
Now new headlines are made by someone who refuses to stand when an anthem is played, but this time it’s a nine-year-old girl in Australia who protests against the content of the anthem itself. The schoolgirl was given detention last week for “blatant disrespect” over her failure to participate with classmates during assembly when the song was rendered at Kenmore South State School in Brisbane. 
Harper Nielsen has stirred controversy after refusing to stand for Australia’s national anthem in protest to “institutional racism”; she claimed the song “Advance Australia Fair” ignored the nation’s indigenous people, taking issue with the opening lyrics to the anthem, which read: “Australians all let us rejoice, for we are young and free. “When it says ‘we are young’ it completely disregards the Indigenous Australians who were here before us for over 50,000 years,” she said. “When it was originally written, Advance Australia Fair meant advance the white people of Australia,” she added.
The Aussie national anthem was written by Peter Dodds McCormick in 1878, so you can believe young Nielsen's interpretation as being on the money.  Her stance has, of course, agitated the local loons on the Aussie right.  ("F*ck your feelings.")

Speaking of Infidel 753, we would again refer you to his comprehensive link round-up, where you can find "various interesting stuff" he came across over the past week, like the item above.  Always a good destination.

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