Saturday, September 1, 2018

President Obama's Eulogy For John McCain

Regardless of whether one has mixed emotions about John McCain or not, this is a eulogy that ends as a brilliant call to true patriotism, of duty to country before party, greed or personal interest.  Powerful.

How we miss that President.

(The full transcript of Obama's eulogy is here.)


  1. Was it just me or did Mitch and Paul look totally engrossed with Obama's eulogy.

  2. Anon- Not sure. As for me, I was totally grossed watching them...

    donnah - [sigh]

  3. Elaine Chao looked like she regretted being late for her manicure. P.E.C.

  4. Ms. Cake -- we noticed that, too. Sitting next to that execrable human/turtle hybrid...
