Saturday, September 8, 2018

QOTD: The Kavanaugh Disgrace

The New York Times editorial has it right: Brett Kavanaugh is the product of a corrupt process engineered by a Rethuglican / Trumpist Party that regards raw power to be the ultimate value. The whole editorial is worth a read. Here's the lead-in:
"In a more virtuous world, Judge Brett Kavanaugh would be deeply embarrassed by the manner in which he has arrived at the doorstep of a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.

He was nominated by a president who undermines daily the nation’s democratic order and mocks the constitutional values that Judge Kavanaugh purports to hold dear.

Now he’s being rammed through his confirmation process with an unprecedented degree of secrecy and partisan maneuvering by Republican senators who, despite their overflowing praise for his legal acumen and sterling credentials, appear terrified for the American people to find out much of anything about him beyond his penchant for coaching girls’ basketball."
Given the fact that the Constitution gives sparsely populated red states like Wyoming and Idaho the same number of Senators as highly populated blue states like California and New York, we may have a Senate that is out of step with the majority of Americans for a long time to come. The gerrymandering of House districts by Rethuglicans every 10 years to ensure they select the voters, not the other way around, isn't necessary for the Senate: the "gerrymandering" has already been done by the Constitution.

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