Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Funeral Crashers

We've heard the stories of first lady daughter and object of her father's lust Ivanka "Complicit" Trump and her lightweight, corrupt husband Jared "Mr. Ivanka Trump" Kushner being invited to Sen. John McCain's funeral by a frightened and newly Trumpified Sen. Lindsey "Huckleberry" Graham, who said he cleared his invitation with the McCains. Not so fast. There are reports that the McCains actually didn't want anyone from the corrupt Trump crime family present:
“Look, I’m sure [the McCains] had final approval of everything, if they had it their way — as was evident in the tone of the funeral — they probably would rather not have had anyone from the Trump family present,” said [Abby] Huntsman, a longtime friend of Meghan McCain, who is taking time off from cohosting The View to be with family after her father died from brain cancer on Aug. 25 at 81.

They still showed up.”
(our emphasis)
Of course they did. They wanted to flip one last finger at the Senator by showing that they don't have to play by the rules of decency, respect and honor. At times, Ivanka was seen texting on her smart phone while the eulogies were given. As for suck-up Huckleberry, job well done at undercutting your late friend.

With the critical tone of the eulogies toward Trump, and the audience's approval of the eulogies, they got shamed in the bargain.


donnah said...

Trumps have no consideration for anyone but themselves, period. If they wanted to insult the McCain family, mission fail, because they just ended up looking like idiots.

My greatest hope would have been that they were embarrassed and ashamed by the things said about Donald Trump and his lack of courage and integrity, but we all know they are not capable of those emotions. They were simply there to be seen and make people talk.

It's always about them.

Hackwhackers said...

donnah -- They got the exposure that they crave, and got to play the victims later. They knew exactly what they were doing.