Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Trump To Hurricane Victim: "Have A Good Time"

Attempting to distract from his mounting problems ranging from investigations into his potentially treasonous and corrupt behavior to his troubled Supreme Court nominee, sociopath and con man Donald "Rump" Trump was supposed to be on his best behavior has he participated in an extended photo op in North Carolina. Unfortunately for him, microphones were invented decades ago. Skip to roughly 20 seconds into this video of him handing out food in New Bern, NC:

BONUS:  Always looking out for Number 1 --


  1. Tie Trump's tiny hands behind his back, drop him into a burlap sack, and toss him into the pigshit, dead chicken-filled floodwaters. Just let him flop around a while, then toss him a roll of paper towels and wish him a hearty, “have a nice day!”

    Every day I think I cannot possibly despise this turd any more, and every day I do.

  2. donnah - There's no bottom to his depravity is there?
