Friday, September 14, 2018

Tweets Of The Day: Manafort's Let's Make A Deal

Now that the Special Counsel has worked out a plea deal and cooperation agreement with convicted felon and Trump co- conspirator Paul Manafort, it looks like treasonous Putin pal Donald "Rump" Trump, his associates and his crime family are eventually going down. And it's not just the June 9, 2016 meeting between Russian operatives and Manafort et al. in Trump Tower. A bonus is that Manafort's forfeiture of $46 million will offset the costs of the investigation. Now THAT'S the art of the deal.


  1. H's, out of curiosity, my memory cannot recollect,(hey it's 70 yrs.old) please help. What started this investigation & Mr. Mueller's involvement.? If you can offer a timeline or a post, I'd like to read it. THXS!!

  2. F.M. -- OK, there was an ongoing counterintelligence investigation during 2016 by the FBI into Trump associates like Michael Flynn for lying about his contacts with Russian officials. (They were already looking at the DNC e-mail hacking and low-lifes like Carter Page and George Papadopoulous). After his inauguration, Trump tried to short circuit the FBI probe of Flynn with Comey but failed. The trigger to the current investigation came after Trump fired Comey in the spring of 2017, and Deputy AG Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller as special counsel with a mandate to look into "Russiagate" but also pursue any crimes found during the course of that investigation. Hope that helps. There's probably better explanations out there to check into but that's the basic gist.

  3. Thanks for the concise timeline, Hack!

    And now the chickens have come home to roost, and hopefully roast. We have yet to see Roger Stone's ugly mug in the lineup, but I hope he'll join his cohorts in crime soon, and there'll be a perp walk that will rival any conga line, ever. Cohen, Manafort, Papadopoulous, any and all of the lying cheats who have helped Trump ruin our country. And leading the line I would love to see Trump and his sons, dancing away in orange jumpsuits into a long term in a big prison.

    A girl can dream!

  4. donnah -- And may your dreams, and ours, come true!
