Let's hope they got the one that's been doing this:
Law enforcement officials have told CNN’s Shimon Prokupecz that they have arrested a man in Florida in connection with the explosive devices that have been sent to top Democrats and critics of President Donald Trump this week.News briefing at 2:30 Eastern time.
UPDATE: Wow, didn't see this coming, no siree!
Authorities have towed away a white van that appears to be covered in stickers and signs featuring the GOP logo, the presidential seal, and images of Trump. There is also a large amount of text on the van, some of which seems to reproduce Trump statements or tweets.
This is the van of the bomb suspect, which is being towed from an Autozone in Plantation Florida. What does everyone make of the decals on these windows? pic.twitter.com/Zu85c4dDjW— Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen) October 26, 2018
UPDATE II: Here are better pics of the van's stickers -- note who's in the crosshairs in some pics (click to enlarge)

UPDATE III: The suspect is Cesar Sayoc, 56, of south Florida.
The person arrested in the bombing, Cesar Sayoc, is a registered Republican with an Aventura address who has been arrested 10 times, per FDLE, once in 2002 for making a bomb threat. #bomber— Dan Sweeney (@Daniel_Sweeney) October 26, 2018
UPDATE IV: From Sayoc's Facebook page, a pic of him holding a "CNN sucks" sign at a Trump Florida rally --

UPDATE V: Flop sweat starting to appear on Fox "News" foreheads.
UPDATE VI: Following donnah's suggestion in the comments, there's a #MAGAbomber Twitter hashtag trending.
Let's all call him the MAGA Bomber from now on.
ReplyDeleteI expect the deflectors will be set on FULL as FOX and other right wing shills start formulating their talking points.
“Oh, he wasn't one of us!” (yes he was; he attended Trump rallies regularly)
“Democrat agenda and attacks on Trump pushed him to his limits!”. (Well, he has a history of building bombs.)
“We have never condoned violence,” (ha ha ha ha ha, right.)
“He doesn't represent Trump or his followers; he's a LONE WOLF”. (check out the decals on his van, the ones with targets over Democrats' faces)
Sadly, this shouldn't be construed as a “win” for the good guys. It's never a win when the other side resorts to potentially lethal means of expressing anger. But it means we have true enemies, dangerous ones, who will go to great lengths to fight for their causes, and we know that this guy heard Trump loud and clear.
donnah -- right. The talking points will be "You can't tar all Trumps supporters because of one deranged person" and "Moving along, hey look at that caravan over there!"
ReplyDeleteAs you point out, he heard what Trump was saying and decided to act on it. Anyone who thinks Trump's rhetoric will change as a result of this, I'd like to sell you some shares in King Solomon's Mine.