Monday, October 29, 2018

The Boob Tuber

It's no secret that malignant demagogue and sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump has no interest in the work of the presidency (perhaps we'd be in even worse shape if he did). He's been in his "campaign" mode for two years now, tweeting lies and bigotry, speaking before his adoring cult, and carving out many hours a day of "executive time" to goof off, sleep and watch Fux and surf right-wing internet sites where he gets his direction. That's not even taking into account his record-breaking number of days on the golf course.

After an examination of Rump's daily schedules, Politico is reporting that Rump's playtime is even more extensive than earlier thought:
President Donald Trump had about three times as much free time planned for last Tuesday as work time, according to his private schedule. The president was slated for more than nine hours of “Executive Time,” a euphemism for the unstructured time Trump spends tweeting, phoning friends and watching television. Official meetings, policy briefings and public appearances — traditionally the daily work of being president — consumed just over three hours of his day.
This remarkably lazy buffoon can't be bothered to go downstairs to the Oval Office before 11 a.m., and when he does it's often for a mundane Executive Order or proclamation signing. When it was revealed last week that Rump is still using his personal iPhone, thus compromising national security, White (Supremacist) House aides tried to reassure everyone by saying that Rump doesn't get beyond the surface in his Presidential Daily Briefings and shows no real interest in them.

Rump's only interest is how he is being covered or depicted in the media, thus the obsession with the "enemy of the people."
For Trump aides, scheduling presented a challenge from the outset. Accustomed to conducting business largely over the phone from his office in Trump Tower, the president chafed at back-to-back meetings that kept him off his phone and away from the television, according to a half dozen current and former White House aides.

The concept of “Executive Time” was Kelly’s response to the president’s complaints that he was over scheduled under his previous chief of staff, Reince Priebus, and “didn’t have any time to think,” one of those aides said.
(our emphasis)
Think? Rump reacts and attacks, he doesn't "think." That's done for him by his boob tube "advisors."

(photo: There's no brain there to pick.)


  1. And his fingers are too short to reach that far anyway.

    Literally everything Trump does is terrible. He's a terrible excuse for a human being and he's a terrible excuse for a president. I am perpetually furious that this is who we have as the leader of our country and that the members of his party have allowed him to do everything he's done to ruin us. They are complicit, they are enabling, they are supporting his actions. So while he puts in a grueling eighteen hours a week, they all go on their merry ways, counting their money and their voters, planning their new attacks on Roe v Wade as Kavanaugh sits in on the current legal attack on women's rights. It's happening.

    FOX news is now his advisory board. Imagine any other president using a personal phone, or consulting a biased “news” conglomerate for advice on governance. It's so absurd that it seems impossible, yet here we are. It is a nightmare.

    I voted on Saturday. Make sure your family and friends get to the polls. It's life or death.

  2. donnah -- We look at him every day with a sense of shame and revulsion, which is also spreading to his malicious mouth-breathing followers. Voters in early voting states: GO TO THE POLLS. Everyone else, vote as if your life and wellbeing depend on it.
