Sunday, October 28, 2018

Tweet Of The Day: A Moron And His Umbrella

We found several metaphors for his buffoonery here. Ours is: The umbrella represents Trump's cult followers protecting him. Trump casually abandons it while entering his well-appointed plane, leaving the umbrella upside down in the rain without a backward glance. MAGA, suckers.


  1. I AM POTUS. I have people. People who pick up after me, write my speeches, clean up after me, dress me, feed me, ALOT who do damage control, direct me to "The" limo, direct me to the podium, protect my yellow, spineless ass. So, what's a dropped umbrella !!!!!

    I'm still pissed off about MY parade, tho!!!

  2. F. M. -- Heh heh, well done. You've captured his pathetic essence.
