Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Tweets Of The Day

Not only are these hypocritical sociopaths not trying to save protections for pre- existing conditions, they're actively attacking them:

But, you see, it doesn't matter because mindless Schafe Menschen like these will still support Agent Orange:

You can't talk to them, you can't reason with them, you can't win them over. You just have to defeat them at every opportunity. Have to.

Vote Democratic November 6 and get like- minded folks to vote, too!!


  1. If you can't change their minds, you have to outvote them. That's it.

    They have a biased national news media who broadcasts their rallies and their opinions, they get interviewed on the Sunday morning political talk shows, they have FOX network crap blaring, unchallenged, 24/7. They have millions of dollars from Conservative billionaires, they have Conservative Christian Rightwingers preaching and collecting followers for them. They have money and numbers.

    It seems that all odds are against us. But my hope is that those who have been silent or indifferent or lazy or afraid will find the courage or the indignation or strength to finally take their votes and put them to good use. It's not a small thing to vote. People have literally died fighting for the right to vote. We have to stand now, be counted, be heard.

    Do what needs to be done.
