Wednesday, November 7, 2018

BREAKING : AG Sessions "Resigns"

That was quick, but not unexpected.

Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III submitted his resignation to un- indicted co- conspirator Donald "Rump" Trump this afternoon "at your request" (i.e., he was fired):
Trump tweeted the news Wednesday afternoon, announcing he was naming Matt Whitaker, Sessions’ chief of staff, as acting attorney general. 
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is no longer overseeing the Mueller probe, according to a Justice Department spokeswoman. Matt Whitaker, whom Trump immediately named as acting attorney general, now has oversight of the Mueller investigation. 
Whitaker, before he became Sessions’ chief of staff, had written about limiting the Mueller probe, which he said could be a “witch hunt.” A Justice Department official said ethics officials had not yet reviewed whether Whitaker would have to recuse himself from any aspect of the Mueller probe given his prior commentary.

Whitaker is a Trumper with serious conflict of interest issues regarding the Mueller probe.

Get those indictments out, Mr. Mueller. Add this action to your obstruction of justice case against Rump.

Democrats, get your subpoenas drafted and your hearings schedule set for after January 3.


  1. The entire Mueller investigation has been moving at a glacier's pace, but like real glaciers, the extra heat should make it go a lot faster.

    I have had faith in Mueller and his team, believing that they know what they're doing and are prepared for every circumstance. I'm also hopeful that they have the goods on as many Trump conspirators and crooks, including Trump himself and his family, and that some hard rain's about to fall.

    Hang on, kids!

  2. donnah -- Mueller and Rosenstein are light years ahead of the goons in the WH. They've been preparing a Plan B for just this scenario.
