Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Election Day Message: Listen To Michael Moore

The normally astute House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi stepped in it last Wednesday on Stephen Colbert's Late Show, declaring that the Dems will win the mid-terms:
“Up until today, I would say, if the election were held today, we would win,” she said. “Now what I’m saying is we will win."
Hard to believe Pelosi would be so tone deaf after hundreds of thousands of people stayed home in 2016 because they thought Hillary Clinton was a sure winner and their vote for her wasn't needed.

Here's Michael Moore's response, on Seth Meyer's show the day after:
“A Democrat who just automatically announced, ‘We’re gonna win.’ And it’s like, my God that’s what happened in 2016. Everybody was throwing the party for Hillary [Clinton] before the election, and I think some people stayed home…You gotta quit this kind of predicting nonsense and just do your job as a citizen. Everybody’s gotta get off the bench this time. We may not get another time." (our emphasis)
Today's the day. No more overconfidence. No more slacking and no more assuming. This one counts more than any other mid-term. VOTE.

BONUS:  From Not- Michael- Moore --


  1. We're filling our cars with voters for trips to the polls today. See you on the other side of the mid-terms, Hackie!

  2. Diva -- We salute you! What a great example you're setting!

  3. I'm a little spoiled. In Oregon we vote by mail, so I didn't have to drive anywhere. Last week I voted in my bathrobe, in the privacy of my very own voting booth (the house). I could have voted in Starbucks, but I'm fairly certain they have a dress code. Anyway, I did meet with my local Democratic rep earlier in the week, and talked for a bit about the issues, and his plans for new legislation. He's a good man and recognizes what's at stake this election cycle.

    Vote by mail is an excellent system. You can mail your ballot, or drop it off at the library in a secured ballot box, or even go to an election center and drop it there. You get a paper trail, so any questions concerning ballot integrity can be addressed. So when I hear reports of machines flipping votes in Texas or anywhere else, I am comfortable that my own ballot is counted as I filled it out. I encourage the activists out there to advocate for a similar system. Machines are too easily hacked. It was Joseph Stalin who said, “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”

  4. toking -- yes, you are spoiled! Saw a story about Oregon's vote by mail system and were extremely jealous! Hopefully if/ when Dems take over the House (at least), they can begin to establish standards for federal elections that move closer to Oregon's model, as well as minimizing the vote tampering, suppression and other Republican tactics.
