Saturday, November 17, 2018

Melon Trump's Excellent Toronto Adventure

Our very own Marie Antoinette, Melania "Melon" Trump:
US first lady Melania Trump ran up a six-figure hotel bill for a one-day trip to Toronto last year, according to federal spending records. 
Government spending data show at least six separate Toronto hotel charges ranging from just under $12,000 to nearly $49,000 for a total of roughly $174,000. She did not spend the night. 
The total was roughly eight times what it cost to house the first lady’s advance team, whose $18,000 in hotel expenses were broken out separately; in addition to the hotel charges, the first lady’s trip involved $21,000 in transportation costs. [snip] 
How Trump and her staff ran up nearly $200,000 in hotel bills for a 12-hour trip is unclear (the total was nearly double the $95,050 bill for a hotel in Cairo, Egypt, where she stopped for a day last month during a trip to Africa). All six charges for the first lady’s Toronto hotel bills were paid to “miscellaneous foreign awardees” rather than a specific hotel... (our emphasis)
It takes a brazen grifter to run up a $174,000 bill for a 12- hour visit, especially after her excellent adventure in Egypt was scrutinized for its excessive spending.  But, when you're spending other peoples' money, as is the Trump family habit, no expense is too large, nor scruples too little! #BeBestGrifter!

(Image: via susweca)


  1. The family that grifts together, stays together. Hopefully in prison.

  2. Trump in an XXXL orange jumpsuit?! How will he be seen? It's camo for him!
