Friday, November 9, 2018

SCOTUS Official Portrait...Not

We have the first look at the new Supreme Court official group photo, including sexual predator and beer swigger Brett "KavaNo" Kavanaugh, who appeared to be "under the weather" when the photo was taken. Covfefe and robe, stat!

(click to enlarge, or not)

(Let's hope in the actual photo, they don't make the wonderful Justice RBG sit next to the creep).


Infidel753 said...

The other judges appear moonstruck with awe.

I don't think any of the women should have to sit next to Boofy-Boy. Nor should any of the men.

Hackwhackers said...

infidel -- "moonstruck"....well done! He'll try to fit in, and some will oblige. But he'll always have that belligerent hearing on his record, not to mention the credible claims against him.....