Saturday, November 24, 2018

Trump Regime Wants To Bury Dire Climate Change Report (UPDATED)

Surely, this was just a coincidence:
On Friday, the busiest shopping day of the year, the federal government published a massive and dire new report on climate change. The report warns, repeatedly and directly, that climate change could soon imperil the American way of life, transforming every region of the country, imposing frustrating costs on the economy, and harming the health of virtually every citizen. 
Most significantly, the National Climate Assessment—which is endorsed by nasa, noaa, the Department of Defense, and 10 other federal scientific agencies—contradicts nearly every position taken on the issue by President Donald Trump. Where the president has insisted that fighting global warming will harm the economy, the report responds: Climate change, if left unchecked, could eventually cost the economy hundreds of billions of dollars per year, and kill thousands of Americans to boot. Where the president has said that the climate will “probably” “change back,” the report replies: Many consequences of climate change will last for millennia, and some (such as the extinction of plant and animal species) will be permanent.  (our emphasis)
You can read the report here.  It normally would have been released in December, but whoever ordered it released on the busiest shopping day of the year, right after Thanksgiving, clearly wanted to bury it. Imagine that.

In fact, the Trump regime ghouls are already dismissing the report produced by their own government. Here's deputy press secretary p.r. hack Lindsay Walters reading from the script:
“The report is largely based on the most extreme scenario, which contradicts long-established trends by assuming that, despite strong economic growth that would increase greenhouse gas emissions, there would be limited technology and innovation, and a rapidly expanding population.” 
The Chief Ghoul wanted to add his good brain to the discussion before the report came out.  He pulled this out of his fat ass for the enlightenment of his gullible, drooling base several days ago:

How to deal with this level of malevolent ignorance?  Waste no time in presenting facts to these deniers.  They're not going to be swayed because it's not about facts, of course.  It's about Republican tribal loyalty to a belief that experts are "elites" not to be trusted. It's about following the Chief Ghoul blindly off the cliff because he's your infallible leader. And yes, it's about something as dirt dumb as "owning the libs."

The way it's being dealt with is to bypass it. Individuals, cities, states, businesses across the country are taking the lead in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  The State of California (the fifth largest economy in the world) is ignoring Republican obstruction and moving forward with a Climate Strategy.  Ninety-six cities around the world, including 12 in the U.S., are part of the movement working to continue the objectives of the Paris Agreement. Grassroots organizations like Bill McKibben's are also leading the way.  The new Democratic House will be looking at policies to mitigate climate change, including a "Green New Deal" which could form the basis of action once we get the Chief Ghoul and his party out of power.

The well- known phrase "think globally, act locally" has never had more meaning, or relevance, than it does today.

BONUSLooks like the regime's scheme isn't working.

UPDATETrump gives us his big brain response on the report: "I don't believe it."


  1. The clock is ticking down while we stand around still debating the obvious. With idiots who put money over everything else, there is no reason for them to change, and every reason not to. They are locked in a time warp where big oil and industry polluters still reign and can make a profit from deregulation of pollution laws.

    Also, Obama and Democrats put those pollution control laws into practice, and we all know that one of Trump's personal goals is to undo anything Obama had done for the good of the country.

    And while we're at it, many Republican conservative Evangelicals look forward to the demise of the planet, as it will be of no use to them as we near the End Times, when they all will be Raptured up to heaven. Earthly disasters are omens to this end.

    With this many things working against us, Saving the planet gets more and more difficult. Please let the new House majority affect some changes before it really is too late.
