According to ratings data released Wednesday by Nielsen, MSNBC's prime-time programs averaged 2.578 million total viewers, easing ahead of Fox News Channel (2.240 million) and CNN (1.398 million). In the key demographic of viewers 25-54, the demo coveted by major national advertisers, MSNBC was #1, with 471,000 to CNN's 415,000 and FNC's 355,000--a rare third-place finish for Fox, which has held onto first place for years.
With four weekly wins in a row, MSNBC is on track to beat Fox News in prime (among total viewers and in the demo) for the month of December, with just days left to go.
MSNBC's [Rachel] Maddow had the top-rated program across all of cable news, averaging 3.213 million total viewers and 621,000 viewers 25-54, nearly twice that of Fox News, which finished third in the 9 p.m. time period, with 343,000 viewers 25-54.
MSNBC also finished first for the week between the hours of 6 a.m. and 2 a.m.--known as "sales day"--beating Fox News for the first time since 2000 among total viewers and beating FNC for the first time since 2001 among viewers 25-54.
Three MSNBC programs also beat Fox News and CNN among total viewers for the week: MSNBC Live with Ali Velshi at 3 p.m. (1,249,000 to FNC's 1,153,000 and CNN’s 931,000), Deadline: White House at 4 p.m. (1,738,000 viewers to FNC's 1,320,000 and CNN’s 1,121,000) and Hardball with Chris Matthews at 7 p.m. (1,926,000 to FNC's 1,744,000 vs. CNN’s 1,261,000).Yes, MSNBC is still corporate media, and we're not fans of some of their talent or the way they present every issue. But compared to GOP-TV... there's no comparison. Even on the "opinion" shows, you're infinitely more likely to get opinions based on fact on MSNBC (or CNN). Though GOP-TV will continue to peddle its fabulist drivel to millions of mouth- breathers, any sign of its weakness as a cheerleader for Cadet Bone Spurs should be gratefully received.
So, in the Republican war on truth, let's take this as a small victory for reality- based America.
I never want to be like the FOX faithful who turn their TVs to that channel and let it run all day. They are brainwashed, idiotic morons who replace logic and decency with bullshit. I do like to turn on MSNBC in the evening to watch Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell. Chris Matthews runs his mouth and talks over his guests and says a lot of dumb things. Chris Hayes is okay, but not great. But Rachel lays everything out, knows her stuff, and what she doesn't know she gets information from her guests.
ReplyDeleteI gotta say, I enjoy the usual lineup of guest professionals who share what they know about government, history, and politics. MSNBC doesn't pull punches like the national news broadcasts. I feel like they spell everything out and have a solid foundation.
I wish our national news would just say flat-out that Trump lies, that he's a liar and a cheat. All the facts exist to prove it. They just don't want to lose viewers who still believe in Trump.